Transition Means a Time of Change.
We all move from stage to stage in life, as we grow older. Sometimes the changes are very easy and other times are more difficult.
Your child will be going through several transitions (changes) this year:
- New School - away from home, larger facility, sitting at tables, etc.
- New Children - more children, sharing, taking turns, etc.
- New Adults - teachers, other staff and other parents
- New Rules - safety behavior, sharing, playing, playground, bus, walking, health, etc.
- New Experiences - library, field trips, classroom activities, parent involvement activities, special cartoon characters, book giveaways, lending libraries, school pictures, etc.
- New Foods - eating breakfast, lunch and snacks at school
- New Transportation - riding the bus, walking or riding in car to school, pedestrian safety rules
Ways to Ease the Transition to CMEOC Head Start
Teach your child his/her birthname (nickname or play name will not be used at Head Start)
- Teach your child your name(s): Parents (not nicknames or play name)
- Label your child's clothing and other belongings
- Read stories about attending school (The Kissing Hand, Barney and Baby Bop Got to School)
- Practice self-care routines (using the bathroom, wiping their nose, dressing: buttoning, zipping, snapping clothing)
- Play games at home that require cooperation, sharing and taking turns
- Visit and tour the center
- Meet the teachers, staff, and bus drivers
- Talk with teachers and staff about the Center's schedule
- Talk with teachers and staff about your expectations for your child
- Discuss transportation issues: who will put the child on and get the child off the bus
- Inform teachers/staff of special concerns (glasses, hearing, extremely shy, health issues etc.)
- Inform teachers/staff of child's likes and dislikes
- Let child ride the bus to school on the first day if a bus rider
- Attend orientation and open house at your child's Center
- Talk to your child about attending school and making new playmates
- Drive by the center to let your child become familiar with the school that he/she will be attending
- Introduce your child to other children who will be attending the Center
- Adjust your child's bedtime (earlier) as school opening date nears
- Read the Head Start Parent Handbook (learn the rules and guidelines)
- Discuss who you will place on the emergency contact list with Family Service Coordinator, Center Manager or Head Teacher
- Update your address and telephone number as often as needed
- Depart with a hug and smile
- Say goodbye and avoid sneaking away
- Tell your child you will see him/her after snack time
*Parents your child is not leaving you but he/she is just growing up!*
Family Literacy / Transition Coordinators
A Family Literacy/Transition Coordinator provide services and information that allow Head Start Families a smooth transition from home to Head Start and from Head Start to kindergarten. Head Start Staff and public school staff exchange visits and tour facilities. Head Start children visit the school they will be attending. Head Start and kindergarten teachers complete assessments and make suggestions concerning the transition process. Each Head Start child receives a transition packet at the beginning of the school year when the teachers make their pre-school visits. Parents are given suggestions to help prepare their children physically, mentally and emotionally for school.